Save Wallum Community Vigil
The community have been protecting the Wallum site around the clock since the Byron Shire Council meeting on the 8th of February where it was voted that the subdivision certificate could be issued with minor adjustments to the consent conditions.
12th October 2024: Save Wallum Blockade Paused
After nine months of a determined 24/7 vigil to Save Wallum, the community has packed down its blockade camp at the Omega Circuit site in Bayside Estate.
The decision to pack down the Vigil and kitchen brings us to a new stage in the campaign.
The Campaign to Protect Wallum Continues
Now is the time to pivot our energy towards fundraising and securing the long-term future of this unique habitat. There will still be events and gatherings at Wallum, however the Federal Court is now protecting Wallum and we are confident Clarence Property will comply with the Injunction.
There are several ways you can support the Save Wallum Community Vigil
To participate as a volunteer, Non Violent Direct Action (NVDA) training must be completed.
This training is run several times a week in Brunswick Heads. Please keep an eye on the Save Wallum Facebook Group for training time and location updates.
Aside from donating funds or goods, there is also an opportunity to donate your time to the Save Wallum cause. Fill out the Volunteer Form here
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